

Published Papers

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Published Papers

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-Axioms for Renormalization in Euclidean Quantum Field Theory
Guido Lang and Andrzej Lesniewski

-On Callan's Proof of the BPHZ Theorem
Andrzej Lesniewski


-BRS Transformation in Lattice Gauge Theories
Claude Furrer and Andrzej Lesniewski


-Effective Action for the Yukawa2 Quantum Field Theory
Andrzej Lesniewski

-Ground State Structure in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Maciej Lewenstein

-Index of a Family of Dirac Operators on Loop Space
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Jonathan Weitsman


-A Priori Estimates for N=2 Wess-Zumino Models on a Cylinder
Arthur Jaffe and Andrzej Lesniewski

-On Convergence of Inverse Functions of Operators
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Konrad Osterwalder

-Quantum K-Theory, I. The Chern character
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Konrad Osterwalder

-Supersymmetry and The Spectral Condition
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Christian Wieczerkowski

-Supersymmetric Field Theory and Infinite Dimensional Analysis
Arthur Jaffe and Andrzej Lesniewski

-The Loop Space S1and Supersymmetric Quantum Fields
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Jonathan Weitsman

-The Two-Dimensional, N=2 Wess-Zumino Model on a Cylinder
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Jonathan Weitsman


-An Index Theorem for Super Derivations
Arthur Jaffe and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Deformations of Super-KMS Functionals
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Marek Wisniowski

-Global Laurent Expansions on Riemann Surfaces
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Heat Kernel Regularization of Quantum Fields
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Christian Wieczerkowski

-Pfaffians on Banach Spaces
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Pfaffians on Hilbert Space
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Jonathan Weitsman

-On Super-KMS Functionals and Cyclic Cohomology
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Konrad Osterwalder

-Representations of the Heisenberg Algebra on a Riemann Surface
Arthur Jaffe, Slawomir Klimek, and Andrzej Lesniewski


-Asymptotically Commuting Families of Operators
Arthur Jaffe, Slawomir Klimek, and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Geometry of Supersymmetry
Arthur Jaffe and Andrew Lesniewski

-Quantum K-theory, II. Homotopy Invariance of the Chern Character
Kaspar Ernst, Ping Feng, Arthur Jaffe, and Andrzej Lesniewski


-A Golden-Thompson Inequality in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Chern Character in Equivariant Entire Cyclic Cohomology
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Equivariant Entire Cyclic Cohomology, I. Finite Groups
Slawomir Klimek, Witold Kondracki, and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Local Rings of Singularities and N=2 Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski


-Quantum Riemann Surfaces I. The Unit Disc
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Quantum Riemann Surfaces, II. The Discrete Series
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski


-A Note on the Entire Cyclic Cohomology of a Finite Dimensional Noncommutative Space
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-A Two-Parameter Quantum Deformation of the Unit Disc
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Hermitian Symmetric Superspaces of Type IV
David Borthwick, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Maurizio Rinaldi

-Non-Perturbative Deformation Quantization of Cartan Domains
David Borthwick, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Harald Upmeier

-Stability for a Class of Bilocal Hamiltonians
Arthur Jaffe, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Konrad Osterwalder

-Super Toeplitz Operators and Non-Perturbative Deformation Quantization of Supermanifolds
David Borthwick, Slawomir Klimek, Andrzej Lesniewski, and
Maurizio Rinaldi

-Tensor Products of Representations of C(SUq(2))
Andrzej Lesniewski and Maurizio Rinaldi


-Quantum Riemann Surfaces, III. The Exceptional Cases
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Supersymmetry and Fredholm Modules Over Quantized Spaces
David Borthwick, Slawomir Klimek, Andrzej Lesniewski, and
Maurizio Rinaldi


-A Remark on Casimir Elements of Lie Superalgebras and Quantized Lie Superalgebras
Andrzej Lesniewski

-Matrix Cartan Superdomains, Super Toeplitz Operators and Deformation Quantization
David Borthwick, Slawomir Klimek, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Maurizio Rinaldi

-Notes on the Structure Theory of Quantized Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
David Borthwick, Andrzej Lesniewski, and Maurizio Rinaldi

-Superspace Formulation of the Chern Character of a
Theta-Summable Fredholm Module

Andrzej Lesniewski and Konrad Osterwalder


-Quantized Chaotic Dynamics and Non-Commutative KS Entropy
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Quantum Riemann Surfaces for Arbitrary Planck's Constant
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-The Smooth Cohomology of N=2 Supersymmetric
Landau-Ginzburg Field Theories

Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski


-Quantized Kronecker Flows and Almost Periodic Quantum Field Theory
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Peroidic Motion of Atoms Near a Charged Wire
Christopher King and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Ergodic Properties of Quantized Toral Automorphisms
Slawomir Klimek, Andrzej Lesniewski, Neepa Maitra, and Ron Rubin

-Noncommutative Geometry
Andrew Lesniewski


-Classical Limits for Quantum Maps on the Torus
Andrzej Lesniewski, Ron Rubin, and Nathan Salwen

-Ergodic Theorems for Quantum Kronecker Flows
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Quantum Sources and a Quantum Coding Theorem
Christopher King and Andrzej Lesniewski

-Quantum Maps
Slawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski


-Monotone Riemannian Metrics and Relative Entropy on Noncommutative Probability Spaces
Andrew Lesniewski and Mary Beth Ruskai


-Managing Smile Risk
Patrick S. Hagan, Deep Kumar, Andrew Lesniewski,
and Diana E. Woodward


-Hedging under SABR Model
Patrick Hagan and Andrew Lesniewski